Reciprocal Club

Cercle Munster

Facility Description

Surrounded by trees with in its stone confines, the "Stadtgrund" district, with its underground maze of alleyways, was once the heart of the town. A jumble of streets and houses, with slated roofs, the area is tightly packed between forts, gates, locks and ramparts. The combination of the 17th and 18th centuries, seems almost out of place in the modern world and creates a lasting impression, just as it left its mark on Vauban, Vandermeulen, Goethe, Turner and Victor Hugo. This is a district which we are seeing actively revitalized.

Facility Contact Information

Phone Number 001 352 47 06431

Fax Number 001 352 47 2587

Contact Email: [email protected]

Physical Address Get Directions

Address 5 - 7, rue Munster L - 2160

City Grand-Duche de Luxembourg

Country LUX